Dear Beloveds who are seeking a session with me,

I need to ask for your patience and support as I work with some unexpected medical issues. I value and rely on your support, and I may need your help in being flexible around changes to the scheduling of your appointment to help accommodate unexpected changes on my end.

Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev Sue

Dear Beloveds who are seeking a session with me,

I need to ask for your patience and support as I work with some unexpected medical issues. I value and rely on your support, and I may need your help in being flexible around changes to the scheduling of your appointment to help accommodate unexpected changes on my end.

Blessings and gratitude,

Rev Sue

Your Pearl of Enlightenment

What you hold in your heart is the pearl of enlightenment that you came to awaken in this lifetime. All of us came here holding this pearl of wisdom, carrying it in our hearts, its essence vibrating within us to raise our consciousness even while we walk here amongst...

I Love You

Thank you, fear, for being such a powerful teacher, for waking me at night with heart tremors, for unplugging me from my source, for taking on the illusion of bills to pay, a business to grow, a book to write, children to provide for, a husband dying of cancer, a...

You’re Being Blessed at this Very Moment

When bad news first arrives, it feels like the wind has been knocked out of you; it’s a punch to the gut. This moment is a great blessing. This is the brief and sudden moment of calm while your ego mind is stunned into silence. It’s the holy moment of grace when you...

Seeing Through The Eyes of Your Soul

You either believe in divine order or you don’t. It’s an all or nothing thing. Either you’re aware that all events occur for your soul’s growth, your highest good, and the highest good of all – or life feels chaotic, painful and meaningless. Each day provides...